Ages 9 - 13
Morning drop off is as early as 8:30am and afternoon pick up is as late as 4:30pm. No experience required & all materials are included, + a Wyndham Art sketchbook to take home!
Our Space
Camp takes place in our bright 3rd floor classroom and gallery space above Wyndham Art Supplies. (125 Wyndham St. N. Downtown Guelph)
Outdoor Explorations in Art, Science, and Nature
Monday, July 14th - Friday, July 18th, 9am - 4pm
Morning Activities
Outdoor Explorations in Art, Science, and Nature: We will go on exploratory hikes to Goldie Mill Park and by the river, sketch and identify common plants and insects. Students will expand their observations into a range of media including drawings, sculptures and paintings.
Afternoon Activities
Dioramas and Design: Come and build your dream room, fantastic scenarios or imaginative worlds in a shoebox. We will also construct sets, scenes using cardboard, construction paper, plasticine and found objects. We will make hand puppets to animate the scenes.
Storytelling... Portraits and Bookbinding
Monday, July 21st - Friday, July 25th, 9am - 4pm
Morning Activities
Drawing and Painting the Figure: Approaches to Portraiture: We will learn the rules to break them! We will learn proportion and classic painting techniques and then, inspired by contemporary artists, we will explore different approaches to figure drawing and painting.
Afternoon Activities
Printing and Bookmaking: We will learn a range of printmaking techniques, tell and write stories, create illustrations and put these all together in a hand-made book. We will make some mini-books, and learn some fun techniques like pop-up and accordion books.