Wednesday, May 7th and 14th, 11-2pm
Instructor is David Caesar
We are now offering 2-week workshop version of our 5-week class!
You can do it! In this rigorous and exciting course we'll cover the fundamentals of drawing the human face. Basic proportions, light and shadow, and conveying shapes and forms, are among the subjects we'll cover. Students will learn how to nail the likeness of their subject. We'll start with pencils, but students are welcome to bring any medium they like. Be warned: the first few exercises will involve students drawing each other, so come prepared to be stared at! We'll be moving on to photographs and exploring methods of rendering and discuss colour as well.
Materials: A sketchbook, size 11” x 14” minimum is recommended. Try to find something with smooth paper. A 0.5 technical pencil is preferred, but any old pencil will do. H and 2H leads are better. A Factis eraser pen, a kneadable eraser, and a 6" or 12" ruler.