Tuesday, May 6th and 13th, 11-2pm
Instructor is David Caesar
We are now offering 2-week workshop version of our 6-week class!
Never painted before? No problem! This class will get you comfortable in the world of acrylic painting. We’ll start simple - creating a colour wheel and grey scale to get a handle on colour mixing and controlling saturation and tone. We’ll move on to copying very simple photographs - an apple, and basic landscapes. Touching on subjects such as light and shadow, atmospheric perspective and composition, our projects will get more complex as we move forward. David will be doing painting demonstrations and helping students problem-solve their way through their work. Students are welcome to bring in their own projects right from the start if they choose!
Materials: Acrylic paint: titanium white, carmine, phthalo blue, primary or lemon yellow, raw sienna, ivory, oxide or mars black. Recommended surfaces would be canvas paper (the Fredrix canvas pad is best) or gessoed Hardboard/masonite A small selection of brushes is recommended: 1" or 1 1/2" flat, 1, 2, 6 rounds. A disposable palette for mixing colours and a pencil and eraser for sketching. Optional: a spray bottle for water, and a photo you would like to paint.
Winter Footwear: Please no wet shoes/boots in the GSA. Kindly bring indoor footwear to change into.
Please note: Masks are optional for this class.