6 weeks, Tuesdays, April 1st, 8th, 15, 22nd, 29th & May 6th, 6 - 8:30pm
Instructor: Grazyna Adamska-Jarecka
This course is structured around the basics of watercolour painting. Beginners and more advanced artists are welcome. We will learn the properties of watercolour paints and papers, colour mixing rules and main techniques such as wet- onto - dry, wet--into-wet, laying and blending colour washes and some texture effects. Students will be motivated to explore these techniques through simple still life, landscape or figurative subject. Each class starts with a demonstration. Learning from demos is a very useful method when beginning the journey to developing your own personal artistic language Participants will receive plenty of individual instruction and encouragement. Bring your passion for this subtle and expressive medium.
- Papers: Small watercolour Sketchbook
- Brushes(Synthetic of Natural Hair): 1" flat, #1 round, #2 rigger, # 6 round, #10 round
- Paint: A watercolour set OR lemon yellow, cadmium yellow, cadmium red, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, burnt umber
- palette with divisions or just a mixing tray
- pencil and eraser
- water spray bottle
- small sponge