The perfect manual Pencil sharpener for all shapes and sizes! This Ultra handy sharpener features 3 hole sizes, so you can sharpen virtually any pencil without changing sharpeners. The Faber-Castell grip Trio sharpener works with all Pencil shapes - Use this Pencil sharpener on graphite and color pencils, standard and Jumbo sizes. The grip Trio Pencil sharpener by Faber-Castell features three sharpening holes that keep Pencil shavings neat and tidy with an easy release to clean once finished sharpening. This artist Pencil sharpener features extra sharp, steel blades for a clean point. The Faber-Castell grip Trio sharpener works well with all Faber-Castell color and Graphite pencils - it is highly recommended to use a manual sharpener with all Faber pencils. See your artwork come to life with the very best, professional artist Quality art materials. Faber-Castell has proudly created the finest quality products Since 1761.
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