5 weeks, Wednesdays, April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and May 7th, 6:00-8:30 pm
Instructor is Grazyna Adamska-Jarecka
This class will encourage students to experiment with different subjects of their choice, with plenty of technical instruction and individual attention. Each class will begin with a short demonstration to help students with their approach and techniques in painting. Demos will include; still life, natural forms, landscape, cityscape, portraits and the figure in context, as well as animals. Learning from demos is a very useful method when beginning the journey of developing your own personal artistic language.
Formal elements of art making such as composition, colour and light will be discussed. Students will work from their own photographs or choose from a selection of photographic references provided.
Bring your passion for painting and art making! Trust the skills you have already developed through your creative endeavours and develop them further in this fun and informative course.
· Papers: A pad or block, or at least 7-8 sheets of 9x12" CANSON or ARCHES 140 lb or 11 x14 inches of similar qualities.
· Brushes (Synthetic or of natural hair): 1" flat for washes, #1 round, #2 rigger, # 4 flat# 6 round, #10 round
· Paint: A watercolour set or loose lemon yellow, cadmium yellow, cadmium red, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, burnt umber, ochre, sap green
· palette with divisions or just a mixing tray
· pencil and eraser
· masking fluid/friskit
· water spray bottle
· small sponge (optional)
· masking tape