Artist Reception is October 25th from 6:00 - 8:00pm, the show is on until October 28th.
Hours are Monday - Friday, 3pm - 5pm, Saturday 12pm - 5pm, until October 28th
The War
The ferocity of war and its aftermath in a society does not end at a specific time but runs through the history. For a long time, artists keep reflecting the terrors, humiliations and frustrations caused by wars in diverse forms of art. War is something that has always had a significant impact in the world of art and especially on the art of its survivors.
I can't help but think of a sentence from philosopher Vladimir Chlebnikov "-War always comes back". With war there is more war children and more trauma. In my work I was always interested in the traumatic experiences of children as I experienced war first hand at the beginning of the civil war in Bosnia.
The Piece
For this segment of my idea I did not make a mistake by spelling it wrongly. I wanted to play with words and with notion of Peace in between wars. Peace that become smalls oasis of rest in the lives of humans.
With ever present looming of the next war in the future we try to patch up traumas from the last one and also enjoy the present moments of peace.
Difficult and daunting task of raising a new generation on the postulates of peace is our most important role, in my opinion.
My partake in all this is to try and bring awareness of the importance of pacifism through my art, the ambiguity of it all.
Leo Tolstoy helped a bit too.
Instagram: @sadkohadzihasanovic
Sadko Hadzihasanovic studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade and earned his MFA at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1984). His first solo exhibitions were at the Museum of Modern Art in Belgrade (1983) and at the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1984), both while still a student. Since his arrival in Toronto from Bosnia in late 1992, Sadko has participated in over seventy exhibitions in public galleries and artist-run centres across Canada and has produced numerous portrait commissions. He is the recipient of visual arts grants from the Toronto Arts Council, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts and has instructed at Georgian College, the University of Guelph, the Koffler Centre and the Avenue Road Arts School. Sadko has been exhibiting at Paul Petro Contemporary Art since 1999.
The War

The Piece