Artist Reception is March 25th from 2:00-4:00pm, the show is on until April 13th.
Hours are Monday - Friday, 3pm - 5pm until April 13th.
This exhibition includes three of Grayce Perry’s most recent series. “UNTOLD STORIES” acknowledges the fact that each of our lives contain a fascinating book, including stories both public and private. In each artwork there are words written. The words are hidden, indecipherable, representing the many mysteries, secrets and stories within. They are all the untold stories contained in our capacious hearts.
The “GATEWAYS” series is Grayce’s personal favourite. It is a part of a body of work focused on the dominant colours of black and gold. Gateways acknowledges that we each have wounds, and aches and longings. Grayce has burned areas into the silhouettes. Using the Japanese technique of kitsungi the black holes have been mended with gold, symbolizing that in fact we are more beautiful in spite of, if not because of our wounds.
“LETTER LANDSCAPES” has been Grayce’s most popular recent series. These miniatures contain old envelopes and letters her father wrote to his beloved mother in the 1940s. These treasured papers have been used in the landscapes as well as in other larger collages.
Instagram: @grayceperry
Please drop in to see the charming new works by Elora artist, Grayce Perry. Grayce loves to play with materials and is constantly pushing the edges to develop a unique style. Her contemporary collage paintings use inks on Japanese papers that are cut, torn, or even burned. She employs Japanese kintsugi techniques to mend the imperfections with gold inks while giving a nod to the philosophy of wabi sabi in life and in art. Grayce’s intimate pieces invite close examination. Although sometimes appearing simple, the pieces are unexpectedly complex and symbolic.
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